"Hidup ini adalah pilihan.. Pilihlah yang terbaik untuk agamamu.. Allah sayang padamu!"

Jenis INFJ?


Saya baru sahaja selesai buat Personality Test dan Intellectual Test kat laman ni. Sangat menarik. Saya sebelum ni hanya lihat result orang lain, baity dan dianah. Baity dengan The Chief, Dianah dengan The Dreamer. hehe... jangan jalan masa mimpi ya dianah.. saya pun terfikir saya ni macam mana orangnya yaaa.. Kalau kita rasa macam dah kenal diri kita, alamaknya kita belum kenal lagi lah tu.. kadang-kadang sahabat adalah cermin kita untuk mengenali diri ini. Tapi, kadang-kadang saya rase tak jugak. Sebab ada jugak yang terpaksa kita 'sembunyikan' maka lainlah persepsi orang pada kita. Takpelah, yang penting jangan kita biarkan diri kita menjadi fitnah sudah lah. Berikut saya berkongsi dengan anda personaliti saya (credit bagi yang mengenali diri saya). Betullah kot banyak sikit pasal saya nih...hehe

The Confidant (Tempat Mengadu)

INFJs, making up an estimated 1% of all people, are the most rare type (males even more so). They are introspective, caring, sensitive, gentle and complex people that strive for peace and derive satisfaction from helping others. INFJs are highly intuitive, empathetic and dedicated listeners. These traits tend to act as a "tell me what's wrong" sign on their forehead, hence the nicknames Confidant, Counselor or Empath. INFJs are intensely private and deeply committed to their beliefs.

"INFJs are gentle, caring, complex and highly intuitive individuals. Artistic and creative, they live in a world of hidden meanings and possibilities. Only one percent of the population has an INFJ Personality Type, making it the most rare of all the types."
Portrait of an INFJ (The Personality Page)

"INFJs enjoy a greater clarity of perception of inner, unconscious processes than all but their INTJ cousins. Just as SP types commune with the object and "live in the here and now" of the physical world, INFJs readily grasp the hidden psychological stimuli behind the more observable dynamics of behavior and affect."
INFJ Profile (TypeLogic)

"creative, smart, focus on fantasy more than reality, attracted to sad things, fears doing the wrong thing, observer, avoidant..."
INFJ Jung Type Descriptions (similarminds.com)

"...desire to contribute to the welfare of others and genuinely enjoy helping their companions. Although Counsleors tend to be private, sensitive people, and are not generally visible leaders, they nevertheless work quite intensely with those close to them, quietly exerting their influence behind the scenes..."
The Portrait of the Counselor Idealist (Keirsey)

"INFJs tend to be devoted to what they believe in and seek work where their needs, values, and ideals can be deeply engaged. They move on the wave of their inspirations and are determined to see that their values are worked out in their lives. They will work toward their goals individually and, when needed, will put together a team of other highly dedicated people like themselves."
INFJ - The Mystic (Lifexplore)

Famous INFJsReal INFJ People (orang yang perangai macam saya nih..)
Adam Sandler - actor, comedian
Anthony Kiedis - singer (Red Hot Chili Peppers)
Aristophanes - Greek dramatist
Billy Crystal - actor, comedian
Carrie Fisher - actress, screenwriter, novelist
Chaucer - poet
Fanny Crosby - hymn writer
Fred McMurray - actor
Garry Trudeau - cartoonist (Doonesbury)
Gillian Anderson - actress (X-Files)
Goethe - poet
James Reston - journalist
Jamie Foxx - actor, musician, comedian
Martin Van Buren - American President
Mel Gibson - actor, filmmaker
Michael Landon - actor (Little House on the Prairie)
Nathan - Prophet of Israel
Nathaniel Hawthorne - novelist
Nelson Mandela - President of South Africa
Nicole Kidman - actress
Oprah Winfrey - TV show host
Paul Stookey - singer-songwriter
Piers Anthony - sci-fi/fantasy writer
Robert Burns - poet
Shirley Temple Black - actress
Sudi-Kate - American dramatist, evangelist
Tom Selleck - actor

Teruja jugak Oprah Winfrey jenis INFJ. Tapi yang tak bestnye, takde contoh famous Muslim ke..? Kene carik nih..

Fictional INFJs (Characters) (karakter filem/drama yang boleh diadu masalah..hehe)
Amelie Poulain - Amelie
Dr. Yuri Zhivago - Doctor Zhivago
Joe Hackett - Wings
Luke Skywalker - Star Wars
Tinman - The Wizard of Oz

Nasib baik Luke Skywalker tu orang baik (dalam filem)...huhu

INFJ Career Matches (kerja yang sesuai dengan jiwa dan perangai saya...)

INFJs are often happy with the following jobs which tend to match well with the Confidant/Visionary personality.
Alternative Medicine
Child Care Worker
Child Development
Church Worker
Computer Programmer
Computer Specialist
Educational Consultant
Human Resources
Sales Representative
Social Worker
Systems Analyst

Alhamdulillah...nampaknya kerjaya saya sekarang nih memang sesuai dengan jiwa saya. Patutlah tak berganjak-ganjak dari dulu lagi.. Kene usaha lagi nak majukan bisnes saya nih...Fighting!

Intrapersonal Intelligence

Common Characteristics
Prefers working alone
Often thinks of self-employment
Enjoys journaling
Spends time thinking and reflecting
Likes learning about self .... dan banyak lagi boleh refer pada website tu..

Bila baca description nih, rasa teruja, terkejut nak tergelak pun ade. Apepun, ini adalah hasil kajian. Yang penting, syukurlah dengan kurniaan Allah pada kita. Jika ada yang tidak elok tu, masih ada ruang dan waktu untuk berubah. InsyaAllah. Mane yang baik tu, kongsi-kongsi lah. Thanks pada baity n dianah yang perkenalkan test ni, especially dianah yang teruja nak tau saya ni jenis ape. Suka sangat die bila tahu saya ni sekumpulan dengan dia...tapi 'rare type' ..huhu. Pada yang lain, tak rugi mencuba. Jangan tak cuba ya!


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